DeafDigest - 18 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 18, 2020 -- "ADA" all over the world USA has one of the world's strongest ADA laws. What about other nations? The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund said that exactly 181 nations have their own "ADA" laws. Keep in mind some of these laws are strong, and some are just a joke!   -- probably will not happen in USA DeafDigest has mentioned that character Ben Mitchell has become late-deafened because of an accident in an EastEnders boating scene. The British producers have worked with a deaf agency to introduce things in the upcoming programs that deaf people know, that hearing people do not realize - sign language, captions, interpreters, flashing signalers, deaf-friendly stores, anti-deaf hearing attitudes, etc. Can only happen in Great Britain TV, but probably never in USA TV!   -- the hated parking lot sign Deaf people use the relay or on-line to order food from a supermarket for their curbside pick ups. And when deaf people arrive at the parking lot there is a sign that says: CALL US WHEN YOU ARRIVE ON OUR 800 NUMBER Bad enough when Covid-19 forces the deaf to use unlipreadable masks let alone forcing them to re-confirm 2 or 3 times after getting the first confirmation of their supermarket order!   Deaf jobs - latest update 05/17/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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