DeafDigest - 18 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 18, 2014   -- a fishy story behind FCC-Purple internet relay mess? Is something fishy going on with Purple dropping internet relay, making deaf-blind and non-signing deaf very angry? There are three hints - that FCC wanted to monitor internet relay, that FCC only wanted to monitor these internet relay fraud calls; and that that a call center in the Philippines was handling Purple's internet relay calls! Who is telling the truth behind these FCC's and Purple's comments? When fingers are pointed at each other, we all suffer.   -- Munching on Doritos during the next Super Bowl Many deaf football fans munch on Doritos while watching the Super Bowl. Deaf Doritos munched by Deaf Football fans? Well, Gary Herkimer, Phoenix, Arizona, who is deaf, has produced a Deaf Doritos video that he hopes will be aired during the Super Bowl! Doritos is staging the "Crash the Super Bowl" contest, and so far his video has reached the semi finals. Will the Deaf Doritos video win, making our Doritos even more delicious? Hope so.   -- A hot Deaf Issue in the Supreme Court The Supreme Court has handled Deaf Cases. The latest such case has involved a deaf man convicted of a crime. At the time of the crime, he was never arrested nor advised of his rights with the police. While he talked to the police and signed a confession, the police claimed he knew what was going on, whereas his attorney claimed he wasn't aware of anything. These are the issues that were argued in the Supreme Court yesterday.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/16/14 Blue edition at: 11/16/14 Gold edition at:

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