DeafDigest - 18 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 18, 2017   -- hearing people don't need ASL to communicate with deaf Hearing people don't have to use ASL to communicate with the deaf? This is what a deaf services center advocate said. There are ways - use gestures, use body language, don't show anger in face, use notepad and pen, don't force lipreading if it is impossible, using interpreter, using video relay service, etc. A picture is at:   -- 80 lawsuits this past summer The EEOC more than 80 lawsuits this summer only. Half of these lawsuits were ADA violations. A high EEOC priority with these ADA-related lawsuits is lack of accommodations for the deaf.   -- interesting comment by a deaf actor Deaf actor Russell Harvard made an interesting comment. He said: says any play can be done in American Sign Language While plays by National Theatre of the Deaf and the Deaf West are shown in sign language, it basically is not American Sign Language. Many deaf patrons have been complaining for years that theatrical sign languages are difficult to follow!   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- interpreting issues, horror stories 10/15/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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