DeafDigest - 18 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 18, 2013 -- "Single" mother getting $147,000 for having "deaf" children Cheryl Henwood, not deaf, fooled the British government into getting £92,000 in British pounds ($147,000 in USA dollars) in disability benefits for seven years. She told the government that two of her children were deaf and that she was a single mother. She spent the money on travel and expensive gifts before she was caught and arrested. She is now sentenced to one year in jail for welfare fraud. The children were not deaf, and she was married for many years and was never single.         -- a sign language car for deaf drivers? A sign language car for deaf (and hearing) drivers? An engineering software company named IHS Automotive says that future cars will have screens that will follow commands in sign language and in gestures. Someone was afraid that if a deaf driver is signing to a deaf friend riding in the car, then the screen will "misunderstand" the signing for some command on the screen - and may lead to accidents!     -- the Netflix and our captions Yes, we know that Netflix has promised to caption all of their videos by 2014 - but - just be careful about it. Netflix looks at the video pirate web sites to see which pirated videos are popular. If a video is not popular in the pirate sites then Netflix won't pick that video and therefore it won't be captioned!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/15/13 Blue edition at: 09/15/13 Gold edition at:

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