DeafDigest - 18 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 18, 2014   -- wristband communications Do we need a wristband that says "deaf" or "hearing impaired"? Well, the VFW Kelly Ingram Post668 in Alabama, is distributing these wristbands to those that want this stuff. Some say wristband is better than a pin or a shirt tag that says the same thing. The wristband can be hidden and shown only to one person instead of "telling the world."     -- a popular restaurant in China is deaf-owned, deaf-operated A hot restaurant in the Shaanxi province of China is deaf-owned, and 22 of 30 restaurant employees are deaf. Gao Cuiping, the deaf owner, received money from hearing investor Zhang Pingsheng to start the business. Why the investment? Zhang's son is deaf and he saw for himself how difficult it was for the deaf to find jobs. The patrons have been satisfied with the food, service and communications. Name of restaurant? Silent Restaurant! Not a joke. You can see a picture of a deaf waitress showing her communication tricks on her apron:     -- duPont was desperate A.I. duPont (1864-1935), of the famous duPont family involved in manufacturing and developments (chemicals ,engineering, science), was a desperate man. He traveled all over the world for one reason - seeking a cure for his deafness!  He could not get along with his several wives and with his family reasons and was always involved with many lawsuits. Why was he so difficult? Because he was deaf and could not communicate easily with everyone.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/14/14 Blue edition at: 09/14/14 Gold edition at:

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