DeafDigest - 18 September 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 18, 2017   -- deaf driver and blind passenger A deaf Uber driver picked up a blind passenger. At first communication was awkward, as the blind passenger realized the driver was deaf. What helped were these apps (VoiceOver iOS, Android TalkBack and wireless braille display). At the end of the ride, both men shook hands. A picture is at:   -- learning how to look for lost deaf hikers Many deaf people like to hike through the hills and the mountains. Just like hearing hikers, a few deaf hikers get lost, requiring a search group. Law enforcement officers from 12 different agencies in Utah and Arizona had a workshop to learn how to find lost deaf hikers. Two deaf actors were hired to play the role of lost deaf hikers!   -- a deaf crook in Great Britain A deaf man, a house builder in Great Britain, is a crook. He took money for home improvement jobs that he never completed. He said: The courts can't do anything to me because I'm deaf. I'm too clever for them.   DeafDigest hopes he will be arrested and brought to justice some day soon.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- defining a hard of hearing person (simple explnation) 9/17/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Deaf Job of the Day (each day new job announcement)

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