DeafDigest - 18 September 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 18, 2020 -- AI and the lost sign languages There was a story that was titled: Surprising Ways AI can help recover lost languages Just add one word: Surprising Ways AI can help recover lost sign languages An example of a lost (or dying) sign language is the Maritime Sign Language. DeafDigest editor saw a video of a deaf person demonstrating this sign language. Rest of Canada uses ASL, while in Quebec, the deaf use French Sign Language. Years ago, the deaf of the Maritimes used their own sign language. The younger deaf of the Maritimes use ASL instead. Would artificial intelligence help save these lost sign languages? Hope so.   -- deafness cures A deaf woman is writing a book on efforts of her family to try to cure her deafness. All of these cures failed. Examples were religious events, applying herbs, special food, plant-based food, airplane diving, placing many different objects into the ear, fake ear drums, opium, tobacco, etc. These people just could not accept their deafness, and move on.   -- learning sign language five minutes per day There is an app that says "Learn sign language in 5 minutes per day" - that easy to learn sign language? No. It requires constant use of sign language all day to pick up speed both ways - reading signs and expressing signs.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/13/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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