DeafDigest - 19 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 19, 2016   -- a tale of revenge deafness Is there such a thing as "revenge" deafness? People in India love to watch strange plots on TV and movies. And in the TV program "Thapki Pyaar Ki" the plot involved Revenge Deafness! A rival, wearing a hearing aid suddenly could not hear anything at all. Shraddha was angry at her rival, getting her revenge by throwing out his good batteries and inserting dead batteries! A picture of very angry Shraddha is at:   -- a shocking arrest in Jordan Jordan is not heavily involved with the turmoil with the Arabian nations. But the Jordanian police arrested 20-year old Rami Al-Sayed for terrorism; he tried to join a terror group in Syria. Why is it shocking? Not only because he is deaf, but also deaf-blind! The Syrian terror group welcomed him, not realizing his double-disability. They quickly returned him to Jordan after realizing he was useless to them!   -- an important rule for deaf during job interviews A true story took place during the 1970's. The NAD was interviewing applicants for a high level job. One deaf woman brought her mother to the interview. Not surprisingly, she did not get the job despite her qualifications. DeafDigest is mentioning this because there was a job fair interview in Washington (state). A deaf person showed up at the job fair interview - with his interpreter (that is ok) and with his parent (definitely not ok). DeafDigest hopes this deaf person got the job despite bringing his parent to the interview!   Latest deaf jobs:   Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- diplomat, foreign service, deaf   04/17/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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