DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 19, 2017
-- deaf set-up team with hearing entertainment company
Dazzle Entertainment is based in Hong Kong, specializing
in designed walls, props and backdrops, all with a range of
colors and designs. These are installed at huge musical
events that many thousands of young people attend.
The key people in the company is a group of set up
people - they are deaf and they are in full charge of
props, designs and artwork. A picture is at:
-- a deaf trick at big conventions without interpreters
There are many different kinds of hearing conventions,
trade shows and exhibit halls everywhere in USA. Many
of them have interpreters, but many others don't.
A deaf person who loves to attend photography and
camera equipment conventions has this trick. Email
the convention host and the exhibitors several days
in advance - explain to them of his deafness and
the need for interpreters and that if there is none,
then find someone at the booths that do not mind
private notetaking sessions! Some exhibitors will
respond, some don't - but it works, according to
that deaf conventioneer. And the key advice -
do not make these "ADA-threats" - totally turns
them off.
-- confusing voice 911 calls that deaf not aware of
Some 911 districts have this feature on their
programmed computerized 911 calls - a buzzing
sound near the end of the calls. People
think it may be a fax tone (faxes are obsolete,
by the way). Actually it tells people not to
hang up, and asks for the hard of hearing
person to wait for a "deaf-friendly" voice
call! Why the confusion? Because there are
hearing people and hard of hearing people that
use the 911 calls - and the programmers try
to accommodate both groups of people.
Everyone, by the way, hates it!
Latest deaf jobs
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- waiting for flashing call for nothing
4/16/17 Blue and Gold editions at: