DeafDigest - 19 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 19, 2018   -- issues among Deaf Senior Citizens A group of deaf Senior Citizens from Texas got together and discussed problems, concerns and issues. Discussed were pros and cons of independent living centers, deaf-unfriendly centers, to prepare meals or to be served meals, protection of assets and outside incomes, etc, etc. The Deaf Seniors of America may take these concerns a priority with them. A picture is at:   -- different kind of bingo People love to play bingo; it is fun. A deafness advocate has come up with a different kind of bingo - instead of numbers, deafness-related words are called out, with explanations on these deafness issues. Not sure if is fun or boring, but it is something new.   -- art galleries: public vs private A deaf person, that loves visiting art galleries, made a comparison of public art galleries versus private galleries. She said that private galleries have a reputation for not being too accessible to the deaf.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Five things deaf people hate 04/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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