DeafDigest - 19 August 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 19, 2014   -- a deaf man is one of nation's longest serving football coaches As a young man in the early sixties, Gary Klingensmith, who is deaf, was a well known football player at Penn State. He turned down a New York Jets contract to coach football at Gallaudet (1965 thru 1967). He then became a coach at Juniata HS in Pennsylvania. He is still at the same high school, his 46th year on the job. He is so deaf that he relies on his eyes instead of earphones from press box assistant coaches to keep up action on the field. Penn State? Yes, in case you are asking, Joe Paterno was his backfield coach! Did Gary like Joe? Gary hated Joe!   -- loopholes can prevent captions at movie houses The law says movie theaters must provide captions - no matter if it is open captioned or rear window captions or Google Glass captions, etc. There are two loopholes that can prevent captions. If cost of movie captions causes a movie house to go broke, then it is OK for them not to caption! If the movie house cannot be adapted to show captions, then it is OK for them not to caption! Scary for us? Yes!   -- A deaf police officer with many honors We have a deaf police officer - sheriff's deputy Susie Cambre, a small town officer in Southeast Louisiana. She has been a police officer for many years. Some of the awards she has won are - President's Child Protection Award, Valley Forge Freedom Foundation Award, National American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Kiwanis Club Law Enforcement Officer of the Year and Neighborhood Knight Award.     Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 08/17/14 Blue edition at: 08/17/14 Gold edition at:

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