DeafDigest - 19 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 19, 2016   -- Hearing Australians hate sign language on TV Australian Rules Football is as popular in Australia as much as NFL is in USA. Coming up soon is the Grand Final (just like our Super Bowl). Deaf fan Ramas McRae has filed a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission because the Australian football people would not hire an interpreter for the Grand Final on TV. The league said captions is enough. Word got around and hearing people becamse abusive towards the deaf on social media. One of the comments was this - You moron, are you stupid? Are you paying for the interpreter or is the taxpayer paying for it? There are bigger issues in the world then an interpreter A picture is at:   -- a 911 call lacked an important detail Earlier this month, someone in Kentucky called 911 for police assistance involving a man who was getting violent in an apartment. Police arrived and yelled at the man to drop his weapon. The man didn't, and was out of control. Police shot him and he died. The 911 caller never told the dispatcher that the man was deaf; the police had no way of knowing of the man's deafness. A real tragedy.   -- Uber's hypocrisy Is Uber a big hypocrite? Not too many months ago Uber was touting the deaf drivers the company has hired. Abd said it is still pushing for more of them to hire. Now this - Uber is trying to put self-driving vehicles on the streets, beginning in Pittsburgh. If this plan expands nationawide, then what will Uber do with the deaf drivers they said they were proud to hire?     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Educator's Grand Slam 08/14/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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