DeafDigest - 19 August 2018

DeafDigest Blue - August 19, 2018
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 22nd year
Employment ads web site:
Last week's ASL Videos in youtube
This week's ASL videos in youtube
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- deaf manager, fast food restaurant
Saturday's Deaf Picture for your surprise
Top stories about the deaf:
Discover Video has added the captioning capability
to its videos, saying this capability is automatic.
Not sure what automatic means - professional
captioning services or voice recognition captioning.
If it is the latter, then we will see captioning
The Corpus Christi Deaf Community is upset about
deaf teachers not being provided with interpreters
in the classrooms. They have called for an
emergency town hall meeting to deal with this issue.
The Pawtucket (RI) city council has designated the month of
September as the Deaf Awareness Month.
Virginia prison authorities found a cell phone in the
cell of a deaf-blind inmate, and wanted to transfer
him to a higher security facility. The inmate is
protesting, saying the cell phone was planted inside
the cell and that he could never be able to use it
because of his deafness.
The College of Southern Nevada (a 2-year college)
graduated its first class of ASL interpreters.
-- opportunities for deaf writer, content editor and
international signs signer
go to:
and scroll down until you see
Opportunities at H3 World TV
In the video below:
learn more about SSP services in Pennsylvania
Healthbridges is a website designed to raise awareness about
resources for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind or Hard of hearing
and for Professionals who work with these communities
Don't forget to Like us on Facebook
Unlock the phone with CapTel® Captioned Telephone! CapTel shows
word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone,
letting you read everything that they say. Like captions on TV â€
for the phone!
Captions are provided at no-cost to the user, with no monthly fees or
contracts required. For more information or to order call 1-800-233-9130
For more info about CapTel or any of the many assistive listening devices
we offer, email:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many small towns have deaf children.
When a child is deaf, this becomes a problem
with the parents and with the education
    The choices are:
1. send the child to a residential school
2. hire a full time interpreter for him in hearing school
3. hire a full time teacher for him in hearing school
4. family to move to a big city where deaf schools
are located.
  Always a difficult decision to make.
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
Lip reading tale
In a camp of deaf and hearing kids, a deaf
kid was chatting with a hearing kid.
The deaf kid thought the hearing kid asked:
What germ are you in school?
The hearing kid actually asked:
What term are you in school?
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Many years ago people said the world's best actor
was John Barrymore.
    Again, people said he was the world's worst actor!
    Barrymore could act very well in silent movies,
but could not act well with talkie movies!
    We have wished we had a deaf actor that was much
better than Barrymore during silent movie years!
- for ASL News version with captions, please visit:
"One of our speakers at the event today will be speaking Spanish. Can you
produce English captions for the entire audience?"
When asked that question at the spur of the moment, a CART captioner may
feel totally overwhelmed.
Although it is possible for a CART captioner to be bilingual, it is not a
requirement for the job. A few CART captioners may be fluent enough in a
foreign language to be able to translate what is being said in another
language into English before writing it on the steno machine, but there
are not very many.
You may want to check with the company providing CART well in advance of
the assignment and see if they do have any bilingual people they can
contact to take this job.
However, the way that a situation like this would usually be handled is
that, in addition to a CART captioner, a Spanish interpreter would also
need to be hired. As the interpreter translates what is said into English,
the CART captioner would then be able to take down whatever is said in
Some people look at CART captioners as machines and assume that they can
write anything that is being said, no matter what language it is in. That
is not true. CART captioners need to be fluent in whatever language or
languages they will be providing captions for.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
    How bad is shortage of interpreters at mainstreamed
    Pretty much bad as far as deaf students in
Portsmouth, New Hampshire are concerned. They are
being forced to transfer to different schools because
of shortage of interpreters at their old schools.
    The students are protesting the transfers. Will
the school district listen to them?
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
Secretary of State Kerry has supported the United
Nations' Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, saying it is the same as our own ADA.
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday)
Employment ads web site is at:
Copyright 2018 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.
the employment ads section:
All new jobs are immediately posted

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