DeafDigest - 19 December 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 19, 2017   -- deaf-owned business avoids Video Relay Service Yesterday's DeafDigest ran an article saying that deaf in customer service jobs face a problem. A deaf owner of a growing nationwide business told DeafDigest said he avoids Video Relay Service, saying it is too slow and would turn off hearing customers! Instead he uses a private call center, operated by hearing customer service representatives. He said everyone loves this state of art system! A picture is at:   -- simple gestures Many hearing people do not understand simple gestures. It may also be possible that some deaf people do not understand these same simple gestures. A deaf person was carrying a weapon - and the police officers said they told him to drop it on the ground. The deaf person did not respond, and the consequences were tragic? Or was it possible that the police officers used wrong gestures regarding the weapon?   -- court not knowing deaf person needed an interpreter In Malaysia, a deaf man, accused of serious crimes, was taken to the court. It was realized, in the court room, that he was deaf. His court case was postponed until they could find an interpreter for him. This is puzzling. The police officers that arrested him and put him into a holding cell being unaware of his deafness??????     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- the 17th century hiring of the deaf 12/17/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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