DeafDigest - 19 February 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 19, 2015   -- a deaf product making people healthy What is a Deaf Product in Tanzania, a nation in Africa? It is soap products (liquid soap, bar soap, disinfectant and hand washing soap). The Small Industries Development Organization is teaching a group of young deaf people on soap making. Goal is to encourage them to go into business for themselves selling soap products.   -- a CI preventing a deaf woman from doing her job Katie McCormick, who is deaf, wanted to work in a beauty parlor in a small British town. She took training classes and received work certificates. But for some reason she is not able to work with some machines in the beauty parlor because it interfered with her CI. She is still working in the same place but not using machines at all!   -- interpreters risking a $5,000 fine A bitter debate is going on among legislators in Idaho. The issue - to license or not to license the ASL interpreters. Two interesting points were brought up - unlicensed professionals in Idaho risk a $5,000 fine. And only 16 states require licenses for interpreters. What about RID? It was not brought up among these debating legislators!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 2/15/15 Blue edition at: 2/15/15 Gold edition at:

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