DeafDigest - 19 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 19, 2017   -- the warrant and the deaf home resident The police came to a deaf person's home, looking for a suspect. The deaf person answered the door and gave permission to come inside and look around. The police decided to stay out - and to get a warrant for a judge to sign. The police was afraid of misunderstandings with the deaf person - so to play it safe, they got a warrant. For some reason an interpreter wasn't requested with the warrant.   -- do not assume Deaf Relay will announce caller's deafness In the past Deaf Relay operators will announce that the deaf person is on the phone. Not any more due to change in policy. Yet, many deaf callers are not aware of it, thinking hearing people on the other line know about it, while actually they may not know of the deafness. This is something a deaf user may need to keep this in mind.   -- Uber or Lyft for deaf drivers Which is the better employer of deaf drivers - Uber or Lyft? There are deaf drivers that drove for both at same time but stayed with Uber. Others have stayed with Lyft! It is like selecting Coke over Pepsi or Pepsi over Coke - a matter of subtle taste preferences. Best is to drive for both companies and then make comparisons. Uber may have some feature that Lyft doesn't and vice versa.     Latest deaf jobs & also opportunity with Deaflympiccs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf police officer shot in line of duty 1/15/17 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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