DeafDigest - 19 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 19, 2018   -- all-ASL Starbucks few blocks away from Gallaudet there was a newspaper announcement about an all-ASL Starbucks a 15-minute walk away from Gallaudet. It will be on H Street, NE. Great? Hope so? Parking is very tight in that area. Deaf people who live in the Washington, DC city limits but not near H Street NE, may be hesitant to drive over and struggle for parking spots, just for a quick grab of coffee! DeafDigest editor lives in Washington, DC where there are as many as half-dozen Starbucks within easy walking distance! Anyway there was a coffee place located across the street from Gallaudet. It only lasted two months. Next ASL-Starbucks where? Across the street from NTID in Rochester, NY? A picture is at:   -- negative trend about deaf characters in movies An article today said that this year there were two movies that placed the deaf in a negative way. These movies treated the deaf as a burden instead of being loved members of the family. These two movies are - A Quiet Place and Unfriended: Dark Web. Do we want to watch deaf movies that make us feel good instead of feeling badly?   -- Deaf and Speed Chess Do deaf people play speed chess? It is different from regular chess, where players take their time to make their moves. In speed chess, moves are made within few seconds. An announcement from the International Chess Committee of the Deaf said that the World Deaf Blitz Chess Championship took place this week in Machester, Great Britain.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- cocktail invented by deaf bartender 07/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:     -- opportunities for deaf writer, content editor and international signs signer go to: and scroll down until you see Opportunities at H3 World TV    

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