DeafDigest - 19 July 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 19, 2019 -- these non-captioned training films Powerlink Facilities Management Services offered a job to a deaf person and told her to watch the training films first before she could be officially hired. These films were not captioned and the would-be-employee raised this issue with the management. The company would not do anything to make her training accessible. As a result a lawsuit was filed. The attorney said: the company lost a valuable employee and gained a federal lawsuit     -- Fire destroys "A Silent Voice" studio An arsonist destroyed the Kyoto Studio in Japan. This studio hosted the 2016 film ""A Silent Voice" which featured a deaf character facing discrimination.   -- accept or reject party invitations A deaf person gets many party invitations from his hearing friends. He almost always rejects these invitations. Even when free food and free drinks are offered, he knows hearing friends will ignore him all night. This is the reason he turns down the invitations.     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/14/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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