DeafDigest - 19 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 19, 2014     -- a shocking attitude by Oregon State University football fan On a web posting, there was a debate about captions on stadium video scoreboards. A fan of the Oregon State University football wrote "I find it hard to believe that there are enough hearing impaired people at the games to need to have captions running at the bottom of the scoreboard." A rotten attitude? Yes!     -- a busy deaf magician Do deaf magicians earn a full time living? Yes, just a few; most are doing magic as a hobby or on a part time basis. One such deaf full time magican is Sam Sandler. Name of his program is DEAFinitely Magic. He just came home after a tour of 41 states and 330 shows. On his web site he said he is the only deaf full time magician. This is not correct because we have another one in Magic Morgan, who is from Wisconsin and operates his own tour with his wife as his assistant.     -- Netflix hires a person that mocked an interpreter Chelsea Handler has been hired by the Netflix with a new 7-year contract for a new talk show. It begins this fall. It is the same Netflix that refused to caption their videos until the courts forced them to do so. And it is the same Chelsea Handler that made fun of ASL interpreting two years ago. Netflix plus Chelsea Handler! Too much for us?     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/15/14 Blue edition at: 06/15/14 Gold edition at:  

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