DeafDigest - 19 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 19, 2018   -- vague drone law about the deaf Drone is officially called "Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems" by the Federal Aviation Administration. People just call it the drone. If one wishes to use the drone for business purposes, then the FAA says: Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English (exceptions may be made if the person is unable to meet one of these requirements for a medical reason, such as hearing impairment)   Is FAA saying that if a deaf person cannot read or speak or write or understand English, then he may be given a license to operate a drone? A picture is at:   -- Marlee Matlin, the producer Marlee Matlin, the actress. Now Marlee Matlin, the producer. She is coming up with a new deaf documentary, aired by A&E on September 5th. The title is "Deaf Out Loud" and it features three deaf families trying to raise their deaf children in a hearing world.   -- deaf and hearing and deaf and hearing, back and forth DeafDigest has mentioned video character Hawkeye as deaf. Actually he is back and forth - deaf and hearing, deaf and hearing, deaf and hearing, and so on.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- professor, honest or insulting 06/17/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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