DeafDigest - 19 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 19, 2020 -- COVID-19 deaf communications card Do we have COVID-19 communications card to help the deaf communicate with the medical people? The New Jersey Division of the Hard of Hearing has designed a new communication card. Just hopefully it works because DeafDigest editor looked at the card on-line and it looks quite complicated. We may seem to need an easier-to understand card.   -- one million plus dollars on legal fees Massachusetts Institute of Technology refused to caption its videos and was slapped with a lawsuit. This lawsuit is over and it has cost MIT over one million dollars in legal fees. For MIT, one million dollars is "nothing" because their endowment fund is at $17.57 billion dollars. Just a pocket change to them, but not to all of us!   -- Milwaukee's official or unofficial interpreter Does the city of Milwaukee have an official interpreter? The updated information on COVID-19 was interpreted by Milwaukee Bucks (pro basketball team) interpreter. Not sure why the city had to depend on a pro team interpreter to provide this vital update? Normally, important updates are interpreted by a city or a state government interpreter and not by an interpreter of a privately-owned business.   Deaf jobs - latest update 03/15/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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