DeafDigest - 19 May 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 19, 2017 -- a puzzling claim by South Africa A newspaper in South Africa said that Magteld Smith, a deaf woman, is the world's only deaf medical researcher. Only? Not true - we have had, over the years, deaf researchers in the medical field. In the past there were deaf magazines (especially Silent Worker and Deaf American) that ran few stories on these deaf medical researchers. A picture of a current medical researcher that is deaf is at:     -- driving while using deaf devices Pennsylvania announced a crackdown on drivers that text while driving. The announcement also said: prohibited use of hearing impairment devices Hearing impairment devices? Guess that means texting while driving and also using Facetime with ASL while driving. What this means if you need to text or to Facetime, then pull over.     -- a big shock: Indiana says they can discriminate A deaf man filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana for discrimination by refusing to give him an interpreter in a court case. The judge ruled against Indiana. The state appealed; the state deputy attorney general said his state may discriminate in some court services. So shocking and so disappointing for the state to consider the deaf as Second Class citizens, subject to discrimination.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- self-taught deaf astronomer, won honors 5/14/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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