DeafDigest - 19 May 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 19, 2020 -- the TV talk show host is deaf Jessica Kellgren-Fozard is deaf and she has worked as a TV talk show host - discussing many topics and issues with her guests. Which TV program in USA? Sorry, it is a program aired in Great Britain. Can happen in Great Britain but not in USA! She functions as a hearing person, voice and without an interpreter despite her profound-deafness.   -- these hated up and down wi-fi issues Deaf people stay at home and use the wi-fi to stay connected to the hearing world - and when wi-fi goes up and down, as it often does, then it becomes very frustrating. Never easy to ask the hearing world for wi-fi assistance. DeafDigest prays Covid-19 will go away for good!   -- using social media instead of using interpreters Many deaf people don't use sign language, and so, interpreters are useless. And some TV networks blur out the faces of interpreters for reasons we do not understand, nor accept. And when these programs are not captioned, it forces the deaf people to go to social media to try to figure out what the TV programs won't tell us!     Deaf jobs - latest update 05/17/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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