DeafDigest - 19 November 2012

DeafDigest Blue - November 18, 2012 Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 16th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- all videos below work with Quicktime; click on arrow until video comes up Last week's ASL Videos with captions: This week's ASL Videos with captions: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- New Harris Communications Catalog The new 2013 Harris Communications Equipment catalog is now available! The 120-page catalog is filled with solutions for all levels of hearing loss. Find the latest assistive devices. Use it as a reference guide of products available for deaf and hard of hearing people. (If you don't find what you need in the catalog, let us know.) We have quality products from all the major manufacturers in this industry. In addition, our comprehensive selection allows you to find the product(s) most suited for your hearing loss. Contact us for your free catalog or request it online. To request the catalog online, go to: or contact us at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:  (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Blue section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- This just in - Bert Carter, president/CEO of the Vermont Center for the Deaf/Austine School for the Deaf, will be leaving his position at end of June. Citing family reasons, he will move back to his home state of Massachusetts Top stories about the deaf: New Zealand's National Foundation for the Deaf has warned its deaf people to be extremely careful if ordering hearing aids through the internet. Even if when the cost is much lower than at hearing aid providers, such internet purchases are not great deals at all! Hong Kong's Association for the Rights of Hearing Impaired Students is asking the government to help pay for hearing aids and cochlear implants for deaf students. It is not known, yet, the position the government is taking. Deaf children of Kosovo will be getting free CI's, courtesy of the Qatar Charity. Additionally Qatar CI specialists will be training their colleagues in Kosovo on how to follow up after these implants. Harvey Dillon, not deaf, is an educator that works with parents and children in Maitland, a town in Australia. He suggested that when children do not behave in the classroom, they should be sent for a hearing exam. He said in many cases these misbehaving children have hearing losses that no one were made aware of! Do deaf people lipread themselves better than lipreading other lips? Yes, according to a team of researchers from Washington University. DeafDigest editor has never tried to read his own lips and so, cannot say if this theory is valid. .............................................................. Attention: interested ASLPI evaluators ASL Diagnostic and Evaluation Services (ASL-DES) will be conducting ASLPI training (phase 1) January 10-13, 2013 to a limited group of individuals who apply and qualify for the training. Individuals who successfully complete and pass all phases (1, 2 and 3) of the ASLPI training program will be eligible to apply for the full-time ASL Proficiency Evaluator position with ASL-DES that will be advertised. All other individuals who successfully pass all phases of the ASLPI training program will join our pool of ASLPI evaluators who work with the system on an "on call" basis and who assist in providing ASLPI evaluations for individuals, programs and businesses nationwide. The application is located on the ASL-DES web site: a limited number of people will be accepted into the training so do not delay in submitting your application. If you have questions, please email: .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) .............................................................. .............................................................. Don't Miss Another Word! Enjoy phone conversations confident you'll catch every word! The CapTel® Captioned Telephone allows people with hearing loss to listen to their caller and to read everything the caller says. Like captions on TV - for your phone! Captions are provided by a free service, no monthly fees or contracts required. For more information and to order call us at 1-800-233-9130 (V/TTY) or visit us at: For a copy of our catalog, email: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! CapTel® Captioned Telephone - See What Everyone is Talking About! .............................................................. .............................................................. CAPTIONS FOR NOTHING? A deaf person won a lawsuit to have a movie house show captioned movies. But after he won the lawsuit, it was for nothing - because he got married; his wife had a child - and he was so busy taking care of the baby that he has no time to go out and enjoy a captioned movie! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) all videos work with Quicktime; click on arrow until video comes up ..................................................... ..................................................... Curious how to connect with your Spirit Guide or do Yoga properly, or even learn how to do those fun paranormal activities, we offer you awe-inspiring, life-changing ASL Spirit Quest Cruise experience more information at: ..................................................... ..................................................... THAT PERSON IS DEAF OR HEARING? You take the subway to work. At the same time every morning you see the same stranger's face and you think he is hearing. But one morning that person carries a backpack that shows a Gallaudet logo. Suddenly you are puzzled. Is that person deaf? For months you see the same face and there was no hint, if any, of the person's deafness! - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: (for your convenience, video links are posted on top of each DeafDigest edition) all videos work with Quicktime; click on arrow until video comes up ..................................................... ..................................................... surviving Cochlear Implant manufacturers - who are these? do visit: ................................................ ................................................ HONORING A DEAF ARTIST A drawing of an old railroad locomotive is being hung at the Museum of the High Plains in McCook, NE. It was drawn by Dean Hofman as a young man. He graduated from Nebraska School for the Deaf and pursued art as a avocation before passing away at the age of 22 in 1960 because of illness. His real job was commercial artist for Douglas Aircraft. ................................................ ................................................ Meet and chat with deaf singles and friends worldwide on the #1 deaf network on the Internet....Deaf Match International ! Become a member and you can access all the great features of DMI ! * Find out why Deaf Match International has worked for over 10 years....since 2001 * Sign up and list your profile for FREE * Find the most Deaf and Hard of Hearing singles online - thousands of members ! Visit: ..................................................................... ..................................................................... The 2013 Catalog of "Assistive Devices for People with Hearing Loss" is now available at Hear World Communications ! Sign up for a FREE copy now at Also...Get a FREE CaptionCall Captioned Amplified Telephone ! Do you have trouble hearing on the phone? Check out this amazing offer at Hear World.....For a limited time, you can sign up for a FREE CaptionCall Captioned Telephone for all hard of hearing customers who qualify.....includes FREE delivery and installation...and no monthly charges (paid for by the FCC) ! "CaptionCall" is a state-of-the-art 40dB amplified and captioning-enabled phone that features a large, easy-to-read 7" touch screen that displays written captions (with adjustable text) of what your callers are saying. Hear World has a HUGE selection of New & Updated products....with the LOWEST Prices Guaranteed....For details and to shop online, visit: Storewide SALE plus Free Shipping...Save $$$ right now at Hear World Communications ! For more information on CaptionCall and other assistive devices, contact: Hear World Communications TOLL FREE: 1-866-889-4872 (Voice or TTY) In MD, DC and VA --- Call: (301) 926-2365 (Voice or TTY) FAX: (301) 963-0785 VP: (866) 536-6781 E-Mail: Web: Live Online Support --- AIM: UnitedTTY or HearWorld .............................................................. .............................................................. A DEAF TROMBONIST At home football games at Illinois State University, there is a marching band, consisting of 275 members. In that band, the trombone player, Mark Reppen, is deaf. He has been playing trombone all his life. And an interpreter helps cue him during these marching sessions just to make sure he is in sync. WHAT DO INTERPRETERS HATE? being asked this question - what do you do for a living? if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please COMMENTS FROM A CART OPERATOR - continuing series This week our nation will celebrate a holiday that often causes people to slow down and reflect on the many blessings they have in their lives. As a profession, court reporters, CART providers, and realtime captioners have much to be grateful for.  Although many of us have struggled as our nation has struggled financially, for the most part realtime court reporters are still able to find employment. I personally am very thankful for the hard work of the realtime captioners who bring us newcasts, sporting events, and other live broadcasts.  Much of their work must be done when others of us choose to spend time with our families and friends. Most sporting events take place on the weekends, and newscasts are often during dinnertime or at bedtime for many of us.  There are live events that must be captioned on holidays.  When a disaster strikes or an emergency takes place, captioners must be there at all hours of the day and night. Thank you to all of you who have worked hard to bring access via captioning and CART to people across America over the years. For all of you who read steno, may I take this opportunity to say: HAP/PEU/THAPBGS/TKPWEUFG For those of you who do not read steno, Happy Thanksgiving to you too. A PET PEEVE OF BEING DEAF A hearing person comes to you and says something. You tell him to please speak slowly or to write down on pad because of your deafness. That hearing person shows a pained look on his face, full of sympathy and apology, saying "oh, I'm so sorry you cannot hear" But before you have a chance to respond, he walks away from you! (Every deaf person, no matter if it is ASL, oral, Cued Speech, late-deafened, hearing aid user, CI user, etc, share these pet peeves. You may laugh or cry) .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section .............................................................. .............................................................. DeafLaw During the summer, the  U.S. District Court Judge Edward Davila dismissed the lawsuit filed by deaf Melissa Earll against eBay. She accused eBay of discriminating against the deaf because of the need for voice verification via telephone. Judge Davila, however, left the door open, saying eBay could be violating the California civil rights law (Unruh Act). Ms Earll has just refiled the lawsuit, citing this Unruh Act. ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago: Tripod, as mentioned in DEAFDIGEST a couple of weeks back, is no longer involved with captioning of first run movies. But taking its place is Insight Cinema. It will be interesting to see how things develop because we are getting more alternative ways of having movies captioned. Plus more subtitled foreign movies are entering the mainstream theatres. There is a lawsuit going on in District of Columbia to force open captioning of all movies. If the lawsuit prevails then would such alternative methods be rendered moot? (editor's note: so much has been going on with captions for the past ten years; in other words it has been a volatile series of developments) ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago: Does Richard Branson, the flamboyant international entrepreneur, dislike the disabled, especially the Deaf-Blind. He owns Virgin Airlines, an Australian air carrier. Brenden Borellini, a Deaf-Blind Australian, was kicked out of one Virgin flight. What was Brendan's crime? That he is Deaf-Blind and the Virgin employees did not want to be responsible for him in case there was a disaster. The irony is that Brenden is an experienced traveler, who has been traveling all his life since he was at the age of four. ...... Deaf Apocalypse of the Week: There was a program on TV, profiling the life of Marc Dreier, not deaf, who was a big time swindler. While swindler Bernie Madoff was heavily publicized, Dreier was right up there with him, but managing to stay out of the glare of the news. Anyway DeafDigest editor's memory was jogged - and he wrote down a list of deaf individuals who were swindlers. He had to stop writing down the names because the list was getting longer and longer. The moral - when a deaf person promises easy earnings, stay away from him ASAP even if he happens to be your close friend! ....... A Lipreading Problem: What did that person say? At an office party, a fellow employee pointed at a new employee I thought he said: he is a cheese Cheese? He actually said: he is a genius -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - -  Staff Interpreter -  Los Angeles, CA   (Two positions) -  Staff Interpreter - Bakersfield, CA -  Staff Interpreter - Riverside, CA  (Two positions) -  Job Developer/Interpreter - Rancho Cucamonga, CA -  Community Advocate - Los Angeles, CA To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Position announcement Job Order # 10294 Lecturer in American Sign Language Department of Speech and Hearing Science Arizona State University Tempe & downtown Phoenix, AZ The Department of Speech and Hearing Science seeks a full-time lecturer of American Sign Language (ASL). The nine-month appointment begins August 2013. Responsibilities include teaching four levels of ASL at both the Tempe and Downtown Phoenix campuses, and participating in program advancement. Requirements include a Master's degree from an accredited college or university and three years' experience teaching ASL at an accredited college or university. Desired qualifications include five years' experience teaching ASL at an accredited college or university, experience using Microsoft PowerPoint to produce classroom teaching materials, and experience with digital video production and editing. To apply, send a letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, resume or vitae, and the names and contact information of three professional references (email and/or phone number, and address) to: Paul Quinn, Search Committee Chair, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Arizona State University, PO Box 870102, Tempe, AZ 85287-0102. E-mail applications are encouraged and must be sent to: The application deadline is January 25, 2013; if not filled, every Friday thereafter until the search is closed. Supporting credentials and additional materials may be required later. Visit for program information. ASU is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer and is dedicated to recruiting a diverse faculty community. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. A background check is required for employment. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Employment opening Communication Specialist/Speech Language Pathologist Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind Colorado Springs, CO The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), located in Colorado Springs at the foot of the beautiful Rocky Mountains is accepting applications for COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST / SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST (SLP).  Position is responsible for providing speech language instruction to Preschool through Transition age students who are Deaf / hard-of-hearing. Interested persons are invited to visit the CSDB website at. under Non-Classified Employment to view the job announcement in its entirety; excellent benefits; open until filled; all interviews conducted on-site at CSDB. Please follow instructions on the job announcement to submit a complete on-line application and upload a formal letter of interest, current resume, recent letters of recommendation (with signature), copies of all transcripts, a copy of current educator certification (if applicable), and a copy of Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) (if applicable). Contact information: Chelle Lutz, Human Resources Office Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind 33 North Institute Street; Colorado Springs, CO  80903 E-mail:; (719) 578-2114 (phone);  (719) 578-2239 (fax) CSDB is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- (revised posting) positions available Rehabilitation Counselor II State of Maine (one position in Lewiston; one position in Bangor) REHABILITATION COUNSELOR II Class Code 3082 For Deaf and Hard of hearing Yearly salary $34,091.20 to $46,217.60 Maine has 2 positions available for Rehabilitation Counselor II to work with Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.  The positions are 2 year temporary positions that we are hoping will become permanent BENEFITS: Value of State-paid Dental Insurance:  $13.42 biweekly Value* of State-paid Health Insurance: Level 1:  100% State Contribution (employee pays nothing):  $363.77 biweekly Level 2:  95% State Contribution (employee pays 5%):  $345.58 biweekly Level 3:  90% State Contribution (employee pays 10%):  $327.39 biweekly Level 4:  85% State Contribution (employee pays 15%):  $309.20 biweekly *The level of the actual value of state paid Health Insurance will be based on the employee's wage rate and status with regard to the health credit premium program as of July 1, 2010. Value of State's Share of Employee Retirement 11.54% Opening: November 8, 2012               Closing: November 26, 2012 Typical duties include determining eligibility for rehabilitation services and supporting individuals with disabilities in a vocational program leading to an employment outcome.  Strong interpersonal and organizational skills are necessary.  These positions may serve persons with a broad range of disabilities and ages, including transition services from school to work, mental health rehabilitation, and rehabilitation counseling for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These are two year time limited positions. One position will be based in the Lewiston Career Center, and the other position will be based in the Bangor Career Center. Occasional statewide travel will be required. Please state preference of location on your application. Minimum qualification includes six (6) year combination of experience and/or education demonstrating knowledge and abilities relating to vocational rehabilitation counseling. After meeting the minimum qualifications, preference  will be given to those applicants having a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling, related field or a C.R.C. Proficiency in Sign language (ASL) required. Interested persons must complete the Direct Hire Application Applications are available at Career Centers, the Employment & Security Service Center, Human Resources Office in Augusta, or online at: Completed applications including a copy of CRC certification and copies of post-secondary transcripts are required. The completed application packet must be postmarked on or before November 26, 2012 to the: Employment and Security Service Center, Office of Human Resources, 45 Commerce Drive, State House Station #108,, Augusta, Me 04333-0108. Telephone: 207 623-6739, TTY 1-800-794-1110 or can be emailed to: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Deaf Services at Advocates - Now Hiring! Advocates Inc positions based in Eastern and Central Massachusetts www. We are seeking Deaf and/or ASL fluent applicants for a variety of positions to support people who are Deaf and who have developmental disabilities, psychiatric diagnoses and mobility restrictions (Mental and/or Physical Challenges). Positions include awake overnights,  day and evening direct service workers, senior counselors, outreach workers and clinical program managers. Enjoy a career within a communication friendly environment, recovery-oriented, person centered human services agency with competitive salaries, attractive benefits, career advancement and an excellent communication access department. Advocates offers a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental and life insurance, tuition reimbursement, 410(k) plan and a six-week holiday/vacation package. Advocates is an EOE committed to employing a diverse workforce. For over 30 years, Advocates has been providing high quality, community based supports across Eastern and Central Massachusetts. Over 1000 dedicated staff offer a broad range of services including residential supports, outpatient mental health and substance abuse services, psychiatric emergency services, home-based services for children and families, community justice services, advocacy and benefits services, family supports, employment and vocational services and day habilitation programs. Services are available for elders, families and individuals with mental health challenges, chemical dependency, developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism and pervasive development disabilities, brain injuries and other life challenges. Advocates is a nationally recognized provider for adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults with disabilities and individuals with developmental disabilities and co-occurring mental health needs. Our culturally sensitive programs and supports serve individuals and families from diverse backgrounds. Please send your resume to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- (revised posting posting of open positions PAHrtners Deaf Services Glendale, PA PAHrtners Deaf Services is a dynamic team of behavioral health professionals serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults. We take great pride that our program is strongly Deaf/HOH centered with about 85% of our staff being Deaf or Hard of Hearing.  Our staff environment is one of incredible teamwork and mutual support.  As a result, we are rapidly growing with new programs and expansions of our existing programs.  Whether you are a high school graduate, recent college graduate or have many years' experience in the field of human services we have a career building position waiting for you!  E.O.E. PAHrtners is looking for dedicated, motivated, energetic individuals who are fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community to fill the following positions: - RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM DIRECTOR for DSA: (Full time position) The qualified candidate shall possess: HS Diploma and 5 years of Mental Health direct care experience, fluency in ASL, knowledge of Deaf Culture.  Excellent writing and communication skills required. Responsibilities: Day to day management and supervision of residential setting for deaf adults with mental illness and behavioral health concerns.  Supervision of direct care staff, development of residential programming and staff schedules, planning and leading staff meetings, coordinate staff trainings, manage petty cash and consumer funds, coordinate consumer services with internal/outside agency providers and families, conduct consumer and staff interviews, complete monthly reports, service plans and staff evaluations, follow up with physical and psychiatric medical concerns. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTORS: (Full time position) This position provides leadership role for residential staff and direct client services. Qualifications: minimum of a HS + 2 year related experience; valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; minimum of 2 years' experience with Deaf Community; demonstrated an ability to supervise, teach, advise and motivate staff members as well as Deaf Consumers; must possess strong interpersonal skills.  Duties: Provide guidance and training for staff and support to Deaf consumers with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities living in the community; promote consumers' independence and social relationships. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - INTENSIVE CASE MANAGERS - FOR ADULTS:  (Full time position) This position provides resources and support to clients and their families who reside in the community and in our residential programs.  Responsibilities include:  assessing service needs of consumers to ensure continuum of care; develop service plans; independent living skills instructions, advocate for access to public and private services and programs such as medical, vocational and other services.  Qualifications:  BA/BS degree in a Human Services field preferred; or High School Diploma& 12 credit hours in social science with two (2) years mental health direct care experience. Must have strong organizational skills; fluency in ASL, familiarity with other visual communication modes and language levels.  Must be willing to work some evenings and weekends as needed and travel various areas in the community.  Knowledge of laws governing the rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals including IDEA and ADA a plus; and must have a valid driver's license. - RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS: (various positions available) This position provides direct client services including encouraging client independence in areas such as skills in daily living and community integration.  Duties: Provide supported living and training to Deaf consumers with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities living in the community; promote consumers' independence and social relationships. Positions open for weekend and evening shifts. Qualifications:  HS + 1 year related experience; valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL; demonstrated competency in independent living skills; ability to teach, advise and motivate Deaf Consumers; strong interpersonal skills. Send your letter of intent and resumes to: Linda Claypool, Office Manager/HR PAHrtners Deaf Services, 614 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Email:  Fax: 215-884-6301 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening President Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind Talladega, AL more information at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Ad_DEAFINC_work Position Opening Announcement: DEAF Inc. is pleased to announce a new position opening - Community Partnership Program Assistant. We're looking for a dynamic talented person to join the DEAF Inc.'s Awareness Department. For more information, click here: Community Partnership Program Assistant Position Description: The Program Assistant supports programs for the Community Partnership, a nonprofit foundation committed to educate the public community the needs of effective communication for individuals who are Deaf and Hard of hearing and late deafened with the awareness of effective communication in our community through collaboration. Deaf Inc. has a pleasant, flexible work environment and offers the opportunity for someone to truly make a difference in the lives of others. Essential Functions : 1. Coordinate programs, and support business activities and their applications as developed. 2. Provide clerical and administrative support to Community partnership, including attending committee meetings, taking and distributing minutes, maintaining records and financial accounts 3. Coordinate volunteers participating in programs development and oversight 4. Track volunteer hours; maintain volunteer database. 5. Organize meetings, including related tasks such as audio visual, transportation, catering. Flexibility to travel, make reservations for accommodations for seminars, workshops, presentations, booth and etc. 6. Provide status reports as requested. 7. Perform other duties as assigned. Abilities: 1. Ability to collaborate with various groups and individuals. 2. Ability to efficiently prioritize duties, multitask and complete assignments with deadlines. 3. Ability to work independently with good judgment and discretion. 4. Strong writing, analytical and problemÿÿsolving skills. 5. Knowledge of principles and practices of organization, planning, records management. 6. Must be able to maintain a high level of confidentiality. 7. Strong attention to detail with the ability to work independently with minimal guidance. 8. Strong communication skills, team and interpersonal skills. Required Qualifications: 1. High School Diploma or Equivalent (bachelor's degree preferred) 2. Minimum 2 years administrative experience, preferably in program organization or delivery, community outreach, case management, or customer relations. 3. Experienced skills in applicable software packages MS Office, MAC and office equipment. 4. Ability to work well under pressure. 5. Demonstrated project administration skills. 6. Sensitivity to consumer needs. Salary: Commensurate with experience and qualifications Benefits: Group Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Dental Plan, Paid Time Off (PTO) and Paid Holidays (all depending upon employment arrangement) Application Deadline: Open until filled. Send resume and cover letter to: Shirley Corbett Director of Community Relations Deaf Empowerment Awareness Foundation, Inc. 25 E. Frisco Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119 Email: FAX: (314) 266-7427 Deaf Ed Teacher Wanted, Arlington ISD Job Opening - Deaf Education Teacher - Martin High School, Arlington TX Minimum Certification/Education and Experience: * Bachelor's degree from accredited college or university * Master's degree preferred * Teacher certification in Deaf/Hard of Hearing (EC-12) and * Highly qualified in at least 1 core subject (English, Math, Science or Social Studies) * TASC (Texas Assessment of Sign Communication) Those interested go to and apply. Also email resumes to: Shari Price - Assistant Principal <> and Melodie Hrabak - Curriculum Coordinator <> CONTACT PERSON NAME: Shari Price CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: CONTACT TELEPHONE #: 682-867-8600 Advocates Inc. is seeking a part time staff interpreter, up to 25 hours a week in a benefits position to join our innovative Communication Access Team. The ideal candidate will have a B.A, B.S or higher in a related field and hold current certification under the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (CI, CT, NIC). Candidate must possess an understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct and the ability to work as part of a team. Mental Health Interpreting experiences a plus. Advocates Inc. is a progressive agency that believes in "First ,We Listen". If you would like a challenging opportunity to work amongst professional colleagues, send in your resume and cover letter to: Advocates Inc. Attn: Human Resources One Clarks Hill Suite 305 Framingham Ma 01702 508-628-6408 or visit us on the web Utah Canyons School District has after-school classes for their students at several elementary schools.  Some of the junior high schools also have classes for elementary age children that are held in the early evenings. A class they would like to start offering grade 1-6 children beginning in January is American Sign Language.  Anyone wanting more information can email me.   I have also attached a flyer if that would be helpful. Thank you, Marsha Wright COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA American Sign Lanugage/Deaf Studies Instructor American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Instructor- Spring 2013 This position will be open until filled. Application review will begin 11/08/2012. For full consideration all application related material should be submitted by 11/07/2012. Job Description 1. Teach ASL courses (all levels) 2. Teach courses within the Deaf Studies Program degree including Deaf Culture, Deaf History, Structure of ASL and new courses that might be added to the existing program 3. Develop syllabi, course outlines, curriculum, assessment plans and reports for all courses 4. Evaluate student outcomes 5. Assess students' language competency levels 6. Provide student advisement and recruitment services 7. Participate in program/division meetings 8. Serve on department and college committees 9. Travel to multi-campus locations possibly on a day, evening or weekend schedule 10. Mentor adjunct faculty within the Deaf Studies unit Required Qualifications 1. Bachelor's Degree in Deafness and/or ASL from a regionally accredited college or university 2. ASLTA qualifications Preferred Qualifications 1. Master's Degree from a regionally accredited college or university: preferably in Deaf Studies/ASL or a related field and a minimum of 18 graduate credits in Deaf Studies/ASL/Deaf Education 2. A minimum of 2 years of experience in a post-secondary or professional setting. 3. ASLTA certification or RID certification 4. Additional Skills: experience with interactive lab instruction; experience with technology specific to Deaf individuals Required Documents Required documents (Cover Letter, Resume, and Transcripts) must be attached directly to the ONLINE application. If you are unable to attach the required documents to your ONLINE application, you may send them to Human Resources via email or fax to 702.651.5778 SPECIAL NOTE: Applicants should fully describe their qualifications and experience with specific reference to each of the minimum and preferred qualifications. The search committee will use this information during the initial review of application materials. For more details on this position, please visit our website at College of Southern Nevada recognizes that embracing diversity maximizes faculty and staff contribution to our goals and provides the best opportunity for student achievement. CSN is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. CSN is responsive to serving the educational needs of a diverse and ever-changing community. CSN employs only U.S. citizens and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. AA/EOE/ADA. Arkansas Quitman School district is looking for a full time interpreter for a 6th grade student? They can call Jill LaRosa at 501-428-1341 if they are interested. We are currently seeking an Interpreter Coordinator and Interpreters to join our staff roster. Please share this with anyone you think may be interested. Thank you! Sara C. Gerhold, Interpreter Coordinator State of Connecticut Department of Rehabilitation Services Interpreting Unit P.O. Box 330730 West Hartford, CT 06133-0730 860-899-1647 (direct) 860-231-1690 (voice) 860-231-8746 (fax) PT Caregivers needed to work in Irving area (zip code 75039) I am in need of 1-3 non-smoking females to care for my daughter in my home Monday - Friday. Hours will vary from semester to semester depending on my work/school schedule and will be anytime between 7 am - 7 pm three days a week and 7 am - 10 pm two days a week (weekend hours available on occasion). This is a job share situation with a couple of other ladies since I need a total of 60 hours of care total each week. Work to begin approximately 12/01/12. My daughter is deaf, moderately mentally challenged, and has minor physical challenges but she is fully ambulatory and does quite a bit on her own. This job is ideal for college students. DEAF INDIVIDUALS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY! Duties include: helping her with grooming/bathing/hygiene/dressing keeping her on task with light housekeeping and cooking administering medications accompanying her on recreational activities You must be able to communicate using American Sign Language, be patient, have reliable transportation, be able to arrive to work on time, and have a clean criminal history. You also must be CPR certified or be willing to get certified. Interested individuals should submit resume as soon as possible. DEAF INDIVIDUALS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY!! If interested, please email at The Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission (IDHHC) has recently posted the position of Interpreter Coordinator on the Central Management Service's (CMS) website at<>. Title to apply:    Executive I, MC Option Deadline:            November 9, 2012 Work Hours:      Full Time, 8:30am to 5:00pm Location:             IDHHC Springfield Office This position requires a current grade from CMS and you will need to send in your application to CMS for a grade.  Do not send applications to IDHHC's office for grading.  The application process is stated on the CMS website under "How to Apply".  If you have any questions regarding the grading process you will need to contact CMS Examining directly and the contact information is also included on their website. Magnolia School District is seeking a sign language interpretor for a sixth grade student.  Please send resume to Julie Amstutz, Director of Special Education, Magnolia Public School.  1400 High School Drive Annex, Magnolia, AR 71753 or email to  Applications can be found at  For more information, contact Julie Amstutz at 870-234-7651 Massachussetts - interpreter job Job location is in Westford at Westford Academy. The hours to fill would be from 7:25-2:00 Monday thru Friday. Beginning November 20th, until the end of the year. if you are interested please contact me as soon as possible Special Recreation Instructor (H) (Deaf / Hard of Hearing) JobID: 786 Position Type: Special Recreation/Special Recreation Instructor (H) Date Posted:  10/31/2012 Closing Date:  11/14/2012 Location: SOUTH REGION - GAGE PARK Title:   Special  Recreation Instructor (H)         (Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Program) ____________________________________________________________________________ CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CLASS: Under general supervision, plans, promotes, organizes, instructs and conducts recreation and leisure activities designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities and other special populations in Chicago. Conducts classes, coaches teams, controls special recreation equipment, and recruits and trains volunteers.  Serves as liaison with local advisory councils and local park staff.  Performs related duties as required. ____________________________________________________________________________________ EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Plans and implements a community recreation curriculum and teaches a variety of physical, leisure, adapted aquatics and recreation activities to deaf & hard of hearing citizens and  others with disabilities and to other special populations.  Instructs and supervises Park District patrons involved in sports, games and recreation and athletics.  Demonstrates proper techniques and skills for recreation and athletic activities. Promotes sportsmanship and encourages creativity in participants. Communicates constructively with participants, parents, volunteers and the community. Enforces and promotes safety guidelines for specialized activities. Resolves conflicts among participants. May work with a special population, including but not limited to senior citizens and populations with physical, sensory and other disabilities. Plans and implements summer activities for Camp Sign, a summer day camp for the deaf & hard of hearing youth and other sports camps. Accompanies, supervises and coaches athletes at local, regional, national and international Special Olympics, para olympics and other scheduled events. Evaluates individual skill levels and assesses the leisure capacity of program participants.  Develops and identifies realistic recreation and athletic goals for patrons who are deaf & hard of hearing and who have other disabilities and other special populations.  Enforces and promotes safety guidelines for specialized recreation and athletic activities. Helps develop and promote the Park District Special Recreation Program. Contributes to program management in the areas of planning, monitoring and training program volunteers.  Provides technical supervision for personnel assigned to work with participants.  Issues and maintains an inventory of recreation equipment and supplies.  Sets up recreation apparatus and equipment.  Performs general administrative duties including but not limited to registration, fee collection, maintenance of health records and parental release forms, and other record keeping duties.  Supervises unorganized play and enforces Park District rules and regulations. Conducts and attends workshops and in-service training seminars. ___________________________________________________________________________________ DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Completion of at least 20 credit hours in an accredited college or university in Therapeutic Recreation, Physical Education, Recreation or a closely related field, plus one year experience in Therapeutic Recreation, or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required.  An Associate of Arts degree in one of these fields is recommended.  A Bachelor of Arts degree is preferred.  Certification Requirement: Valid CPR certification from the American Red Cross or other nationally recognized organization.  Certification Recommended: Therapeutic Recreation Assistant or Specialist (National Council for Therapeutic Certification), Adapted Aquatics Instructor, Water Safety Instructor, Special Olympics Sport Coach (various). Fluent in ASL-American sign language is preferred. Extensive experience working with deaf & hard of hearing population is preferred. ______________________________________________________________________________ Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of therapeutic recreation theories and principles.  Knowledge and understanding of a deaf person and culture. Knowledge of deaf resources. Familiarity with commonly accepted methods and techniques for teaching children and adults with disabilities and other special populations.  Effective oral and written communication skills.  Skill in teaching a full range of therapeutic recreation sports and cultural and social activities.  Ability to observe and evaluate individual participant progress. ________________________________ Union: SEIU �Local 73    Career Service EEO: Para-professional FLSA: Non-Exempt ______________________________________________________________________________ SALARY: $ 16.81 Per Hour ______________________________ Mental Health Professional for the Deaf Truman Medical Center . Kansas City, MO Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, MO is seeking a Qualified Mental Health Professional to serve their Specialized Outpatient Center for the Deaf. .    Must be a licensed professional (LPC, LMFT, LCSW) .    Must be ASL Fluent, either certified in ASL or able to be certified .    Must be able to also work with hearing clients .    Previous Experience Required The qualified candidate is one who is patient-centric, has skills working as a member of a team, is trauma informed, builds trust, communicate effectively, knows how to align performance for success, is adaptable, and can build partnerships. This position offers a competitive salary and generous benefits. Please send resume and cover letter to: Sarah Stanton Also apply through LaGuardia Community College Program for Deaf Adults Division of Adult and Continuing Education Job Announcement Full-Time Position:  Assistant to Program Coordinator The Program for Deaf Adults (PDA) is seeking a dynamic, self-motivated, administrative assistant for its Continuing Education Programs.  Duties and responsibilities include: assist Program Coordinator with day-to-day program operations; VP and walk-in reception; conduct student intake, screening and placement assessments; provide orientation, introductory workshops, advisement, and referrals; produce marketing materials and surveys; maintain database files, clerical duties and statistical reports. Qualifications: Associates Degree required; Bachelors Degree or equivalent preferred Two year minimum administrative experience required in an educational institution or community-based program preferred Fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) Excellent English communication and writing skills Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills Detail-oriented, self-motivated, with outstanding organizational skills Ability to understand and follow college policies and procedures Working knowledge of MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint & other web-based applications Knowledgeable with electronic marketing, web maintenance, and social media Hours:        35 hours per week with benefits (Applicants must be able to work from Monday - Thursday evenings until 8 pm and Saturday mornings when courses are offered) Deadline:   Nov. 7, 2012 or until filled.  At least two letters of professional references required. E-mail or fax a current resume along with a cover letter to: Kat Daviton-Burland, Assistant Director Program for Deaf Adults/C 203 LaGuardia Community College 29-10 Thomson Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 609-2069 Fax LaGuardia Community College/CUNY is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action and American with Disabilities Act Employer . The EDCO Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is looking for a one to one classroom aide to work with a middle school student who is very oral. He does use some sign language. The student is in a Deaf environment, so the aide must have good total communication skills. Please contact the EDCO Program for the Deaf, 457 Walnut Street, Newtonville, MA 02460. Telephone (617) 244-3407. Or send e-mail to DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL Local Non-profit Company has immediate openings for part time and full time positions available in Allegheny county working directly with adults who have intellectual disabilities. Applicants must have a valid Pennsylvania driver.s license. Certification in American Sign Language Preferred but not required. Interested applicants may apply in person at Fayette Resources, Inc. 101 North First Street, Elizabeth, PA 15037. Excellent benefits package available and competitive wages. EOE If you should have any questions please let me know. And also If you have anyone interested they can also email me or fax their resume to 412-382-7194. Thanks Melissa Chamberlin Deputy Director 412-382-7191 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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