DeafDigest - 19 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 19, 2014     -- a Sign Language birth certificate When a baby is born, the parents write the baby's name on the birth certificate. This is the normal way of recording the baby's birth. But for Tomato Lichy and Paula Garfield, a deaf British couple, they wanted to do something differently. Instead of writing the name of their baby on the certificate, they had the baby's name signed in British Sign Language! Impossible? Many legal experts thought so, but an attorney made it possible! Will we be seeing these ASL American birth certificates?   -- best and worst states for deaf access in courts What is the best state and the worst state for access by the deaf in the courts? The National Center for Access to Justice ran a survey of 50 state court systems. They said the best state is Connecticut, and the worst states are Oklahoma, Kentucky, Illinois, South Dakota and Indiana. Deaf people that need interpreters in these worst states need to make sure they are getting good interpreting services!   -- looking for landlords that hate the deaf Many landlords welcome the deaf. Many other landlords don't. They discriminate against the deaf, but are so clever about it without getting into trouble with the Fair Housing Rights law. The Austin Tenants Council (Texas) is hiring a deaf person, called a tester. His job is to ask these landlords about vacant apartments. If the landlord says no vacancy but the tester sees hearing family renting an apartment, then the landlord is lying and breaking the law.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/16/14 Blue edition at: 11/16/14 Gold edition at:    

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