DeafDigest - 19 September 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 19, 2012     -- Could deaf people see sounds? Could deaf people see sounds? The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology built a special eyeglasses; the lens flash when there are sounds. The "bulbs inside the lens are thin wire strings. DeafDigest wonders if repeated flashing will bother the deaf person wearing that eyeglasses?   -- Amara helping Netflix with captions? We all know that Netflix is slow to caption their videos. It was learned that Amara, a captioning company, is captioning some of Netflix's uncaptioned videos. Both companies are not talking anything too much about it, except to say it is an experiment. Just wait and see. Remember Netflix is involved in a lawsuit.     -- Future TV sets to understand ASL? No more remote with future TV sets? Well, engineers from Aberdeen University in Scotland are working on sign language commands to tell the TV to change channels! Not just that, these sign language commands could turn on room lights. Lab experiments have been successful and soon there will be field tests in some homes in Scotland to see if it works everyday in real life.     -- Deaf police officers in Mexico In Oaxaca, Mexico (population 270,000), there are deaf police officers. Their only job is to watch 230 TV security cameras 24 hours a day. Why the deaf? The city officials felt the deaf can lipread what criminals are saying on TV and that they read body language better than hearing police officers. None of these deaf police officers, however, walk the streets, carry their guns and arrest the criminals. But they are certified Police Officers the same as with hearing police officers.     -- A computer that can lipread! A team of researchers at Manipal International University in Malaysia is building a computer that can read lips. They say this project is getting better. The computer watches face expressions - happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise and neutral looks. The computer also watches upper and lower lips. Does DeafDigest believe it? No! But these Malaysian researchers say it is being done.     9/16/12 Blue edition at:   9/16/12 Gold edition at:  

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