DeafDigest - 19 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 19, 2014   -- a Regal meeting in Rochester Since Regal is worried about the deaf rally in Rochester for captions-on-demand, Randy Smith, the vice president flew down to Rochester to meet with the deaf community. Is Randy insensitive to the needs of the deaf, inasmuch as his son is deaf? Well, he explained that the deaf patrons have three choices - caption glass, neck loops and seat-based devices. They just cannot have captions upon request. DeafDigest wonders why cannot Smith offer a win-win compromise?   -- a company says Australian Sign Language is not English Miranda Reardon, a young deaf woman, with qualifications in food preparation, wanted a job as a caterer in Darwin, in Australia. She was not allowed to apply because she  "does not know English." The caterer said Australian Sign Language is not English! The Anti-Discrimination Commission is now handling this case. Two interesting things about it was that the caterer had a deaf employee that worked in isolation without communications. And a hearing French man, who didn't know too much English, worked at that company for a while!     -- a deaf woman in the world of the Flamenco If one eats at a certain Spanish restaurant he would see Flamenco dancing. This type of dancing is popular in south Spain, and is becoming more popular worldwide. Ángeles Narváez, who is deaf, is a Flamenco dancer but with a twist - she mixes sign language with her dances. She owns her own flamenco company and has danced at big Spanish festivals as well as in events in France. Right now there is a movie being made of her dances and performances.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/14/14 Blue edition at: 09/14/14 Gold edition at:

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