DeafDigest - 20 August 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 20, 2013   -- a nursing program says a deaf nurse is a danger to hearing patients! CoxHealth, a health care network located in Missouri, operates its own nursing program. Jessica Wells was kicked out of the program in 2008 after two semesters because of her deafness. They told her that deafness is a danger to hearing patients. Angry, she filed a lawsuit and won. Yet, she is unsure of returning to the CoxHealth program, as she is already enrolled at Missouri State University.     -- rare deaf referees in a sport We have deaf referees in basketball, football and umpires in baseball and softball. Even in some sports such as soccer, lacrosse, wrestling we also have deaf referees. Hockey? DeafDigest just learned that we have two deaf referees - one is Ramesh Arya, who has been refereeing hearing hockey games in Montreal for 20 years. The other one is Larry Whittemore, a graduate of American School for the Deaf; he referees games in the New England area.     -- a vanishing part of Deaf Culture Years ago Deaf Clubs were a strong part of Deaf Culture. Practically every city had their own deaf clubs. Times have changed. In New York City, as far back as late seventies/early eighties, there were as many as 17 deaf clubs. Nowadays - only two deaf clubs survive - Brooklyn Society for the Deaf and Staten Island Club for the Deaf. The deaf people nowadays would rather socialize with each other at Starbucks than to attend deaf club events.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 08/18/13 Blue edition at: 08/18/13 Gold edition at:

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