DeafDigest - 20 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 20, 2015 morning   -- four months to track down a fake deaf relay call How long does it take for police to track down a fake deaf relay call? Four months? This was what the police was able to track down and arrest a deaf man for making a fake deaf relay call - to bomb the Statue of Liberty! He made other threats, through the relay - to bomb the Times Square and Brooklyn Bridge. This deaf man is not from New York, but from Texas. He is now facing a federal court hearing.   -- a suspicious hearing aid A deaf prisoner sent a hearing aid box to himself, telling prison officials it is a hearing aid. Actually the box contained marijuana. He said it was a "mistake" - should have been a real hearing aid. He will be facing a court hearing.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     8/16/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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