DeafDigest - 20 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 20, 2018   -- no discrimination workplace in Michigan Xpert Fulfillment is a big warehouse in Benzie County, Michigan. The boss hires people, both deaf and hearing, saying they are equal. It is hard work at the warehouse but deaf and hearing work equally hard for equal pay. Very few bosses would say the same thing! A picture is at:   -- Facebook accused of discrimination! Facebook accused of discrimination? This is a surprise because many deaf people use Facebook. Well, the Department of Housing and Urban Development said that Facebook shares private information about users, the deaf included, with the apartment landlords. These landlords could find out that some of the apartment applicants are deaf and find ways to reject them. Another reason why Facebook is in trouble!   -- a deaf actor says public are hypocrites A deaf actor, who works with the theater, said that the hearing public are hypocrites. The hearing people say they support equal rights for deaf actors but when the play ends and when there are cast parties, the hearing people ignore these deaf actors!   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf owners of zoo 08/19/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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