DeafDigest - 20 August 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 20, 2019 -- deaf detainee files lawsuit against ICE ICE is a dirty word among these immigrants (both legal and illegal), and especially so for Raul Alcocer Chavez, who is deaf. While being detained, he needed medical attention, and asked for a device to help him communicate with the medical people. ICE told him - no, sorry! As a result he has filed a lawsuit, with assistance of Southern Poverty Law Center.   -- deaf wins over big and mighty Walmart DeafDigest editor shops frequently at a local Washington, DC Walmart and had bumped into a shift supervisor, who is deaf and formerly played football at Gallaudet. He was always complaining, but would not elaborate, on the reasons he was unhappy at Walmart - even though he supervised a group of hearing employees. He quit Walmart - and ultimately filed a lawsuit on grounds of job discrimination (no interpreters during staff meetings). He won, and Walmart is out $100,000. DeafDigest does not know where he is right now but hopes he is doing OK.   -- Delta tips for deaf travelers Delta has developed a travel guide for deaf and disabled travelers. Especially for the deaf only, one such tip is to download their Fly Delta app that would allow ease of commmunications with the Delta personnel.     Deaf jobs - latest update 08/18/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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