DeafDigest - 20 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 20, 2013 -- $1,500 for scan of 70 different deaf genes In the past it cost $1,800 for a scan of a single deafness gene and it took 3 months of work. Now it costs $1,500 for a scan of 70 different deaf genes. The price will drop to as low as $500 in the future! This testing is for deaf people that want to know if they have deaf genes. The NIH F30 Predoctoral Fellowship made this research possible.     -- loud complaining about a Seattle interpreter Seattle Men's Chorus is a popular musical event in Seattle, Washington. Deaf people are complaining that the interpreter is doing a bad job of interpreting the music. They are saying that he interprets "for the benefit of" the hearing in the audience as opposed to helping the deaf understand the music! The Flying House Productions wants to hire a deaf coach to help the interpreter sign better. The deaf group have refused, saying the interpreter must be replaced with a better interpreter! At this point, there is no solution.   -- an easier way for Deaf Catholics to communicate during confessions Deaf Catholics, making confessions, with hearing priests, sometimes have communication problems. Rev. Romuald P. Zantua, not deaf, is a retired priest that is computer-savvy. He has come up with a hook up of two computers with special software installed in each. These two computers allow communications in privacy. Zantua calls it the St. Damien Confession Box, and has received feedback and advice from priests and organizations that work with the Catholic Deaf. Will this help? The trend has shifted towards open confessions in many churches, instead of hidden confessions! This may mean note-passing instead of using communication devices? Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/15/13 Blue edition at: 12/15/13 Gold edition at:

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