DeafDigest - 20 December 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 20, 2018   -- Penny Marshall's failed film Penny Marshall, who just passed away, was one of the most famous people in Hollywood. One of her plans was to produce a film about Gallaudet's winning women's basketball team. For some reason she was not able to produce that movie.   -- 466 million deaf/hearing loss people cannot access help There was a newspaper story that said: 466 million people with hearing loss who aren't able to access help 466 million cannot access help (interpreters, captions, getting jobs, getting education, getting assistive devices, etc)?   Not sure if the writer is getting his facts correctly. While many deaf people cannot access help, many are able to do so. All depends on which nation they are from.     -- The Economist honors Deaf Space "The Economist" is the world's #1 magazine that economists read. This magazine ran a story about Deaf Space, meaning everything inside a house or a building must be deaf-friendly. The first deaf person who came up with the idea was Bernie Brown, a retired deaf contractor/ home builder, who tried to stress the importance of deaf friendly spaces. Unfortunately the magazine does not give him credit.     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/16/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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