DeafDigest - 20 February 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 20, 2013   -- Hearing diner served by deaf waitress A deaf woman is a waitress at an expensive restaurant; she wears two hearing aids to communicate with her patrons. Recently a hearing diner ordered something; the waitress wrote it down and then left the table. The diner yelled at her to come back as he changed mind about the order. The deaf waitress did not hear him. The diner went to the manager to complain about the "rude" waitress. The manager explained that she is deaf. The diner was so embarrassed about the whole thing that he walked out of the restaurant!     -- Two club members surprised to be a brother and a sister Soccer player Barrie Prowse, not deaf, was adopted. He looked for his biological family, and was surprised to find that a deaf woman soccer player with the same Penzance AFC club (England) was his sister! The men's and the women's teams shared the same practice field and both teams would enjoy beers and socializing at the clubhouse pub. No one realized that Barrie and Gemma were really brother and sister. Every one was thrilled about it. Deaf Gemma also plays for the British Deaf Women's Deaflympics soccer team.     -- World's richest man refuses to fund deaf relay services Carlos Slim, from Mexico, is the world's richest man. He owns the TracFone Wireless, which sells pre-paid mobile phones. He is fighting the state of California, refusing to pay the state universal services fee. This fund, in part, helps fund the state telecommunications and relay services for the deaf.     -- Another Deaf Fake character in The Joe Schmo Show A while ago DeafDigest mentioned a fake deaf bounty hunter in the The Joe Schmo Show. Here is another fake deaf - A Deaf Ventrilogquist, playing with her "talking dummy" - which talks so wild that the interpreter cannot catch up with! A crazy program? Yes, but hearing people love to laugh, thinking deaf can be funny!     -- A city with outdoor emergency flashing sirens Garland is a city in Texas, with population of nearly 230,000 people. It was praised as one of the best cities in USA to live in. One of the reasons is an outdoor emergency flashing sirens - that will alert everybody - both deaf and hearing, of emergencies. How many deaf people live in Garland? Do not know, but they can walk around the city, knowing they will be alerted in case of emergencies!     02/17/13 Blue edition at: 02/17/13 Gold edition at:

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