DeafDigest - 20 February 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 20, 2014 -- a balloon at a musical concert Should deaf musical lovers bring balloons to concerts? These balloons help the deaf feel vibrations. Also even taking off the shoes to feel vibrations coming through the floor! There are two risks. First risk is that hearing people will stare at the deaf, wondering why they are bringing the balloons? Second, if the balloons pop, there will be noise, making hearing people angry!     -- a certain sign language that may confuse the police Why do some police officers get confused if a deaf person uses sign language or even simple gestures with them? Because these officers may confuse our ASL with these gangster sign languages. This is a serious issue and is not a joke. A deaf person who cannot speak may not be able to pronounce the word "deaf" and to move the hand to point to the ear may risk police physical force.     -- good news from FCC for the deaf, hope so For years we have been complaining that captions block the graphics on TV screen - very often we cannot see the football score or the basketball score because of these captions. FCC is going to order that all captions shall not block these graphics! We need to make sure that FCC's order is backed by a heavy fine instead of just a scolding!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 02/16/14 Blue edition at: 02/16/14 Gold edition at:

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