DeafDigest - 20 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 20, 2017   -- cheap or expensive captions A town decided to caption its town hall meetings. This town asked for bids. The most expensive bid was $190 per hour. The cheapest bid was $89.95 per hour. This lowest bid won the contract. Good or bad? Expensive captions may show the best quality; cheap captions may show too many errors. Worth to make deaf people unhappy just to save few tax dollars? A picture is at:   -- confessions of a deaf teacher that functions as hearing A deaf teacher, in a hearing classroom, depends on his hearing aid to "function" as a hearing person. He said handling the classroom is not easy and is challenging - always problems understanding some students, accidentally walking away when a student is trying to say something, always dealing with noise and always misunderstanding what the student is trying to say!   -- surviving a bad railroad system A deaf person rides the train to work every day. This railroad system is bad - no displays, no public announcements, no explanation for delays and emergencies or track changes, etc. A hearing rider can ask around to get as much information as possible. Not always with that deaf person. How does the deaf person survive? He rides the same train at same time every day and pretty much knows the faces of the hearing riders that get off at the same stations. When there are problems, this deaf person "follows" the hearing riders without them aware of being watched by a deaf "eye"!     Latest deaf jobs & also opportunity with Deaflympiccs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- state printer 1/15/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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