DeafDigest - 20 January 2020

DeafDigest Blue - January 19, 2020
Blue Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL videos in youtube:
Top stories about the deaf:
Canberra is the capital city of Australia, and
the nation's largest inland city. This nation
is suffering from raging wild fires, but for
the deaf Canberra only has one certified
The National Book Critics Circle has announced
that one of the finalists in the poetry category
is Ilya Kaminsky, that wrote the poem - Deaf
Republic. This group is an organization of
book review editors and critics.
Dr. Amanda Mooneyham, who is deaf, was featured
in the media as a primary care provider at Shasta
Community Health Center in Redding, CA.
Veteran deaf actor Russell Harvard was duly
noted for acting in a hearing play - 'Mockingbird
on Broadway in Manhattan.
Christine Sun Kim, who is deaf, will be sign-singing
the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. Just hope she
will be on the screen instead of being pushed out
as was the habit of TV people in the past
Super Bowls.
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weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions: (updated every Monday)
This week's ASL video in youtube
    DeafDigest editor and his wife, with the family dog,
were staying at a hotel in North Carolina as a stopover
on way to Holiday Season vacation in Florida.
    The hotel in North Carolina allowed dogs, but there
is an extra charge for it.
    The hotel policy is no charge if the dog is certified
as a Service Dog.
    DeafDigest editor's dog is a pet, not a Service
Dog. The hotel, however, said that if the dog's owner
is deaf, then this dog is "certified" as a Service
Dog, no matter if the dog is a pet!
    This was a surprise because DeafDigest editor expected
to pay extra for the dog in the hotel room.
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Lip reading tale
A hearing senior citizen was chatting with a
deaf senior citizen.
The deaf person thought the hearing person said:
I used to watch a lot of programs on the Dupont TV network
The hearing person actually said:
I used to watch a lot of programs on the Dumont TV network
Between 1942 and 1957, Dumont was USA's fourth TV
network, competing against ABC, CBS and NBC.
This week's ASL video in youtube
    This is a true story. Two deaf Americans were arguing
in sign language. The third person, himself deaf, watched
the argument but did not understand the argument.
    Why? The two deaf Americans were arguing in ASL;
the third deaf person, not arguing, but watching,
only knew SEE (Signing Essential English) and could
not just understand one word!
    Do we, the deaf in USA, have too many different
American languages in signs?
This week's ASL video in youtube:
People have asked me, "What is the difference between subtitles and closed
First of all, the answer to that question depends on what country the
person asking the question is from. When people from the U.K. refer to
subtitles, they are referring to what we in the United States call
However, to answer the question for those of us in the U.S., the use of
subtitles began many years ago for people who can hear but do not
understand a language. Subtitles usually are translations of the dialogue
Closed captioning was created to help people with a hearing loss, and it
includes not only the spoken words, but also music and background noises
such as birds chirping, gunshot noises, and doors slamming.
There is also a difference in how subtitles and closed captioning look on
the screen. For closed captioning, the captions are hidden or "closed" in
the video signal, and you have a decoder in your television or other
device in order to turn the captioning on. You generally see the
captioning with a black background and white letters as a separate box on
the screen.
Subtitles can be viewed without a decoder. You usually see them at the
bottom of the screen, and they may look like part of the picture. There is
not a background color, and different fonts and colors may be used for the
text itself. You often find subtitles on foreign language films.
For postings, announcements and employment ad rates,
please email
News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago:
there was a story in a newspaper that Andrew Wong and
his research team claimed that ASL users speak as fast
as hearing speakers. The story, however, did not
say where the group was coming from. Anyway, DeafDigest
is not surprised because we have ASL interpreters, with
maybe 3 or 4 hand movements, would tell us what a
long winded hearing speaker is trying to say!
News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago:
Pete Seiler, Linsay Darnall and Jonathan Scherling
spoke at the State Board on behalf of the deaf in
Nebraska pushing for tightened interpreting
standards. Three organizations - Nebraska
Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing,
HLAA and Hands and Voices worked together
to make these testimonies possible.
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Copyright 2020 by Barry Strassler, DeafDigest.

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