DeafDigest - 20 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 20, 2020 -- art museum curator is deaf Liza Sylvestre, who is deaf, is the curator of the Krannert Art Museum on the campus of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. DeafDigest editor does not see too many, if any, curators, especially in museums, that are deaf but she is it. Most important of all she works with heads of academic departments to make them understand that the deaf can do anything despite inability to hear.   -- using app to communicate with a deaf patient a deaf patient stopped by a medical clinic. The medical assistant, who knew no sign language, quickly went to a sign language app to pick up signs to communicate with the deaf patient. The medical assistant said it was successful, but was it really a success? It is much easier with expressive sign language but very difficult with receptive sign language!   - a joke or not a joke A newspaper writer wrote this joke: He could talk the ears off of a deaf man Hearing people may laugh at this "joke" but this is not a laughing matter for the deaf. No deaf person likes to be trapped into an unlipreadable talk by a hearing person where there is no "escape" from it. This has happened too many times with the DeafDigest editor over the years, at places of work, at employment interview sessions, in the hall ways of buildings, at parties, etc.   Deaf jobs - latest update 07/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:        

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