DeafDigest - 20 June 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 20, 2014     -- an unusual entertainment show There is an entertainment show that is probably the most unusual in the world. It is a deaf comedian working together with a hearing comedian on the stage. The audience loves it, and it is getting more popular. It is in Japan. Sato Masashi, the deaf comedian, uses gestures and facial expressions while performing with hearing comedian Miyake Hisashi. This is the second year this deaf-hearing comedy team have worked together.     -- Do interpreters like their interpreting agencies? Do interpreters like their interpreting agencies? This is the question that the task force wants to know. This task force represents the National Association of the Deaf and the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. This should be important - because unhappy interpreters will make deaf clients unhappy and vice versia.     -- Lipreading the teacher that faces the blackboard! Can we lipread the hearing teacher that talks to the wall while writing something on the blackboard? Yes, according to inventors from the NTID. They have come up with two screen monitors that pick up teachers' lips from behind us. Will this really work for us? Lipreading is very difficult no matter if the teacher is facing us or away from us!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 06/15/14 Blue edition at: 06/15/14 Gold edition at:

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