DeafDigest - 20 June 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 20, 2019 -- true or not true that hearing people hate captions It always has been assumed that hearing people hate captions and would immediately turn it off when possible. True or not true? People that work with TV and movies were asked that question. They would not show proof that hearing people would turn off captions.     -- a strange comment about deafness In a newspaper interview, the person said: I'm not deaf, but profoundly hearing-impaired What is the difference between being deaf and profoundly hearing-impaired? Same thing!   - a deaf basketball hero or a deaf basketball nobody Who is Lance Allred? Ask a diehard hearing basketball fan, and he would shrug his shoulders as if he is a nobody. Ask a diehard deaf basketball fan, and he would say he is a hero to the Deaf Community. This issue was raised in a Psychology magazine. Allred, who is deaf, played for a very short time with the Cleveland Cavaliers, and one of his teammates was LeBron James. A hero or a nobody? To DeafDigest editor, he is a hero despite his minimal NBA stats.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/16/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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