DeafDigest - 20 March 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 20, 2019 -- no interpreter during Bomb Cyclone weather The Rocky Mountain ADA Center said there was no interpreter on weather emergency news during last week's Bomb Cyclone weather that hit Colorado Springs hard. What was the excuse? The director of the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management said no time to get an interpreter - plus - too dangerous to bring the interpreter to the TV studio. The ADA center said excuse is not valid.   -- an important job not heavily in demand An important job that not too many businesses and agencies hire is ADA/disability rights specialist. This may be the reason for so many ADA lawsuits!   -- can talk but prefer notes At a museuem in Georgia, there was a deafness theme and a late-deafened artist created a program that emphasized communications through notes instead of voice. This purzled DeafDigest because the artist became deaf because of a childhood accident, yet was still able to continue with his speech skills. If a deaf person still can speak, so why ask for note-taking communications?   Deaf jobs - latest update 03/17/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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