DeafDigest - 20 May 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 20, 2013 -- deaf school student is also a volunteer firefighter Tim Smith is a senior at Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind. When at home at Gordonsville, VA, he serves as the town volunteer firefighter. He takes firefighting classes and has completed his Community Emergency Response Team training classes. It is a family tradition as his father and his brother are volunteer firefighters. After he graduates he will continue with more firefighting classes and hopes to take up more of firefighting responsibilities.     -- hating the caption glasses A deaf moviegoer told DeafDigest editor he hated the Caption Glasses! Why? He said his head cannot be moved during the showing; if head is moved, then captions are "lost". And he complains that his nose and head hurts badly because of the heavy Caption Glasses!     -- people become interpreters for a good reason A story was run a Michigan newspaper about an interpreter. He said interpreting is recession-proof because of the need for ASL among the deaf. Do keep in mind, auto industry jobs in Michigan have disappeared, forcing young hearing people to look for other jobs.     05/19/13 Blue edition at: 05/19/13 Gold edition at:

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