DeafDigest - 20 May 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 20, 2015 morning   -- a reason for musical show refusing interpreters two deaf Northern Ireland women, attending a big musical event, requested interpreters in advance. The tour promoter turned it down, and instead, offered program scripts for them to follow. Why the refusal? The tour director said interpreters cannot catch everything that is being sung on the stage! Is he stupid? Yes!   -- a hearing woman faking deafness A true story. A hearing woman fell in love with a hearing man. But she got panicky when the hearing man asked her out for a date, and pretended to be deaf. This relationship continued for several months with the woman still faking deafness. This relationship cooled off and both broke up - and the man, to this day, never realized that she was never deaf!   past Mid-Week editions: 5/17/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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