DeafDigest - 20 November 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 21, 2012   -- HAP/PEU/THAPBGS/TKPWEUFG This means Happy Thanksgiving, as typed on the captioners' realtime keyboard, which is not the same as our QWERTY keyboard!   -- a big Halloween trick and treat shock A 5-year old hearing girl in Cambridge, Ontario went trick and treating on Halloween Night. She received plenty of candy and treats that night. That night, she and her family emptied the candy bag. And a big shock - a hearing aid was in the bag! To this day, the girl's family have been trying to find the owner to return the hearing aid. No luck!   -- a hearing quarterback is careful when screaming at coach In the Canadian Football League, John Hufnagel coaches the Calgary Stampeders team. John is hard of hearing. Drew Tate is the team's quarterback. When things go bad, John and Drew get angry at each other. John said: Drew knows I'm hard of hearing so he wanted to make sure when he said something that I heard him. And I did!   -- an amazing deaf photographer We have a few deaf photographers that are great. But Edan Chapman is different from these great deaf photographers. He has Usher syndrome, but it does not stop him from taking great pictures. He lives in Melbourne, a big city in Australia. He took formal photography lessons in New Zealand before returning to Australia. And for the 2012 Australian Deaf Games, he was the official photographer, tasked with selecting 1,800 pictures for display, from 8,000 pictures that he took during the games week.   -- a movie house making captions possible An owner of three movie houses in a small California town has made captions possible for deaf patrons. He said that 35mm film is no more and that everything is digital, in computer hard drive. And the cost - nearly $100,000 per brand new projector, per screen. And for the deaf, he loans them special closed captioned glasses that has built-in sound amplifier! This is why he raises the prices just a little bit for admissions and for concessions in order to pay off the bank loan for these new projectors!   -- a deaf medical school student's ADA lawsuit Michael Argenyi, who is deaf, is studying to become a doctor at Creighton University Medical School in Nebraska. He has asked the school to provide him with interpreters and CART. The school only has provided him with note taking services and power point slide shows. The deaf student said this is not enough. The school disagrees and pointed out that he is already. passing all of his classes. He lost his case in District court and has filed an appeal with the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, St. Paul, Minnesota.     11/18/12 Blue edition at: 11/18/12 Gold edition at:  

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