DeafDigest - 20 November 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 20, 2013   -- deaf and hearing to work together on new TV news program Beginning in January 2014, a group of deaf and hearing people will work together with a Phoenix (Arizona) TV news program. The news people on TV are deaf and will be using ASL. Their signs are being voiced by hearing people. Said in a news release - we are changing the way a traditional newsroom is run so anyone can run the show. Will it work? Will the advertisers like it? Will have to wait until January to see how it comes out!   -- sign language rings? Sign language rings? Put on a ring on your finger and it helps communicate in sign language! Crazy? Well, a company is working on a Sign Language Ring - actually several rings and a bracelet. It is supposed to read the motions of a deaf person and tell the hearing person what the deaf person is saying! Will it work? It is still in design and the name of the company is not known, but it already won praises.   -- catching up on special deaf police group Months ago, DeafDigest mentioned "Angels of Silence" which is a special deaf police group in Oaxaca, Mexico. They watch TV monitors and tell the regular police officers when they see something illegal going on. Is it successful? Yes, recently they caught an illegal street drug sale and told the police about it and the drug sellers were arrested. It was the idea of Oaxaca state Gov. Gabino Cue, who wanted to hire the deaf instead of having them sit at home doing nothing. And it has already attracted interest from police departments in England, Arab Emirates, Germany, and Argentina!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 11/17/13 Blue edition at: 11/17/13 Gold edition at:

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