DeafDigest - 20 November 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 20, 2014   -- a deaf club broke because of a sad reason A burglar broke into a deaf club, stole everything from the safe. As a result, the deaf club is now broke, and is in danger of closing up for good. It took place at the Clapham Deaf Club, located in South London (Great Britain). This club, 90 years old, is the social center of the local deaf community. Police is still looking for the burglar.   -- most unusual supermarket employee in USA A deaf man works as a checkout bagger at a Wisconsin supermarket. In the past, he worked for the federal government on bankruptcy paperwork, taught ASL to a chimp, advised dormitory students on life skills, served as dean of students, taught ASL at a big university, school athletic department fund raiser, etc, etc. That person is Vaughn Hallada, of Port Washington, Wisconsin. Why is he a bagger? He is retired, and working in a supermarket is the best way to stay in touch with the public, with his easy-to-understand gestures. A story was run on him in today's Wisconsin newspapers.   -- a feud among interpreting students Gallaudet University offers a major for hearing students that want to become interpreters. A feud broke out among some interpreting students. It had something to do with one group speaking to each other in public without using signs, whereas the other group insisted on using signs if they are speaking. Several Gallaudet students, seeing the whole thing, asked that these speaking students use signs. They refused!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 11/16/14 Blue edition at: 11/16/14 Gold edition at:      

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