DeafDigest - 20 November 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - November 20, 2018   -- best past interpreters vs best today interpreters Which interpreters are the best? Past interpreters or today's interpreters? No answer because best past interpreters are same as best today's interpreters. Reason for bringing this up is because some today's interpreters are called Rock Stars. No one, in the past, have called them Rock Stars! There was no media (facebook, twitter, video coverage, etc) that have covered past interpreters. Hearing people, who know no ASL but are fascinated with hand movements, gestures and facial expressions, have called them Rock Stars. This is unfair to past interpreters that worked so hard for so many hours to make the deaf understand the hearing voice.   -- popular TV programs of past years In the past, the most popular TV programs were Wonder Woman, The Bionic Woman, The Blues Brothers. These programs had one thing in common - action filled with stunts. Performing these stunts was a deaf woman, who passed away recently - Kitty O'Neil. She also performed stunts on other TV programs that we have forgotten all about!   -- ADA, yes, but deaf not consulted about it What good is ADA if deaf advisors have not been consulted about it? Hearing planners of big events decide what is best for the deaf - without - asking the deaf first! This was the issue that deaf advocates have been complaining for years.     Deaf jobs - latest update 11/18/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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