DeafDigest - 20 September 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 20, 2021 -- fans crying over a departed actress Deaf actress, playing a deaf role on a TV sitcom, left the cast for good (her choice). As a result the hearing TV audience was crying because the deaf actress was their favorite actress. It is the British sitcom Casualty, and leaving the program for good is Gabriella Leon. No reason was given why she left, as it was a steady acting role for her!   -- embarrassing incident at a council meeting A councilman, who was deaf but functioned as a hearing person, was wearing a hearing aid during the council meeting. It whistled, but the deaf person didn't know about it. It interrupted the meeting and the chairperson discovered it was the hearing aid. A choice was given - to continue the meeting without the hearing aid or to leave the meeting and go home. For reasons of his own, the deaf councilman stayed throughout the meeting without his hearing aid. How was he able to follow the meeting proceedings? Do not know.   -- movies about the deaf Are movies about the deaf for the deaf people to watch and to enjoy? No, according to a movie critic - it is for the enjoyment of hearing people. Same goes for theatrical plays about the deaf but is for the hearing.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/19/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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