DeafDigest - 21 April 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 21, 2016   -- orange poster at Safeway Kirsten Ward, who is deaf, is a check-out cashier at two Safeway supermarkets in Vernon, British Columbia. When she applied for the job, the Safeway people did not know what to do with her, and asked her many questions. Eventually she was hired. Her biggest problem is not dealing with hearing shoppers; her problem is the same as with other hearing cashiers - memorizing all these cash register codes! Orange poster? It is mounted next to her cash register, telling the shoppers of her deafness. Do shoppers actually read the poster? No, she says! A picture of her is at:     -- a 4-word knowledge of sign language Chief Justice Roberts was written up in the newspapers saying he used sign language to greet the 12 deaf attorneys as new members of the Supreme Court bar. The extent of his sign language knowledge was just four words - Your motion is granted It was not as if Roberts was fluent with sign language. It is the same as a hearing person learning to say in French - good morning, good afternoon, hello, goodbye - and people say he is "fluent" in French!     -- a famous woman did not make it There was a drive to have deaf-blind Helen Keller's face on a $20.00 bill. The Department of Treasury did not select her - chose to select Harriet Tubman's picture.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- cowboy-type posse member 04/17/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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