DeafDigest - 21 April 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 21, 2020 -- Workplace captions and the deaf A deaf employee gave this advice - that if you want captions, plan for it in advance with the captioner. This means no last minute captioning assignments for the captioner. And still, free captions are not the best and paying for the better captions is what many employers don't want to pay.   -- liability insurance and the ADA discrimination claims Are ADA discrimination claims covered by general insurance liability policies? This issue was brought up in the The Second Circuit court. Instead of deciding on it, this court passed the buck to the New York Court of Appeals! Is it a hot potato issue that judges are trying to avoid?   -- responsible for bulk bins in a supermarket Kirsten McGraw, who is deaf, was profiled in a newspaper story about her job as a bulk buyer at the Co-op Market Grocery & Deli in Faribault, Minnesota. Buying nuts in bulk, buying cereals in bulk, etc - go and see her is what customers do in the supermarket.     Deaf jobs - latest update 04/19/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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